How to convert from electric charge of ampere-hour (Ah) to milliampere-hour (mAh).
Ampere-hour to milliampere-hour calculation formula
The electric charge Q(mAh) in milliampere-hours (mAh) is equal to the electric charge Q(Ah) in ampere-hours (Ah) times 1000:
Q(mAh) = Q(Ah) × 1000
So milliamp-hour is equal to amp-hour times 1000mAh/Ah:
milliamp-hour = amp-hour × 1000
mAh = Ah × 1000
Convert electric charge of 3 amp-hour to milliamp-hour:
The electric charge Q is equal to 3 amp-hour times 1000:
Q = 3Ah × 1000 = 3000mAh