How to convert power in refrigeration tons (RT) to BTU per hour (BTU/h).
Tons to BTU/hr conversion formula
One refrigeration ton is equal to 12000 BTUs per hour:
1 RT = 12000 BTU/hr
One BTU per hour is equal to 8.33333×10-5 refrigeration ton:
1 BTU/hr = 8.33333×10-5 RT
So the power P in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) is equal to 12000 times the power P in refrigeration tons (RT):
P(BTU/hr) = 12000 × P(RT)
Convert 2 RT to BTU/hr:
P(BTU/hr) = 12000 × 2 RT = 24000 BTU/hr
How to convert BTU/hr to tons►