Micrograms to Milligrams conversion


Micrograms (μg) to milligrams (mg) weight (mass) conversion calculator and how to convert.


Micrograms to Milligrams conversion calculator

Enter the weight (mass) in grams (μg) and press the Convert button:

: mg


mg to mcg ►

How to convert Micrograms to Milligrams

1 gram (μg) is equal to 1000 milligrams (mg).

1 μg = (1/1000) mg = 0.001 mg

The mass m in milligrams (mg) is equal to the mass m in micrograms (μg) divided by 1000:

m(mg) = m(μg) / 1000


Convert 5 μg to milligrams:

m(mg) = 5 μg / 1000 = 0.005 mg


Micrograms to Milligrams conversion table

Micrograms (μg) Milligrams (mg)
0 μg 0 mg
0.1 μg 0.0001 mg
1 μg 0.001 mg
2 μg 0.002 mg
3 μg 0.003 mg
4 μg 0.004 mg
5 μg 0.005 mg
6 μg 0.006 mg
7 μg 0.007 mg
8 μg 0.008 mg
9 μg 0.009 mg
10 μg 0.01 mg
20 μg 0.02 mg
30 μg 0.03 mg
40 μg 0.04 mg
50 μg 0.05 mg
60 μg 0.06 mg
70 μg 0.07 mg
80 μg 0.08 mg
90 μg 0.09 mg
100 μg 0.1 mg
1000 μg 1 mg


Milligrams to Micrograms ►


See also

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