How to convert from decimal number to hexadecimal number.
How to convert base 10 to base 16.
How to convert from decimal to hex
For decimal number x:
- Get the highest power of 16 that is less than the decimal number x:
max(16n) < x, (n = 1,2,3,...)
- The high hex digit is equal to the integer if the decimal number x divided by the highest power of 16 that is smaller than x:
dn = int(x / 16n)
- Calculate the difference Δ of the number x and the hex digit dn times the power of 16, 16n:
Δ = x - dn × 16n
- Repeat step #1 with the difference result until the result is 0:
x = Δ
Convert x=603 to hex:
n=2, 162=256 < 603
n=3, 163=4096 > 603
n = 2
d2 = int(603 / 162) = 2
Δ = 603 - 2×162 = 91
n = 1, x = Δ = 91
d1 = int(91 / 161) = 5
Δ = 91 - 5×161 = 11
n = 0, x = Δ = 11
d0 = int(11 / 160) = 1110 = B16
Δ = 11 - 11×160 = 0
(d2d1d0) = 25B
x = 60310 = 25B16
How to convert hex to decimal ►